This was the second round of the projected digital image competition. This year at the camera club it is a transition year and there are no separate divisions – everyone’s images are being judged in one competition.
This looks interesting
This image was from our landing in a snow storm on St. Andrews Bay on South Georgia.

Judge’s comments
… two penguins, almost a married couple situation with one penguin standing back and saying to the other – go ahead an have a look
… well shot I like the way the mass of the penguins at the back there
… and the piece of driftwood there works fine
… could do with a little more light on his head, a touch dark, you can just see an eye and there’s no catch light
… but it is a well observed shot and a nice piece of natural history
.. we’ll hold that one back
The scores
There were 52 images in this projected digital round.
‘This looks interesting’ scored 9.5.
The original image
This image was from our landing on St. Andrews beach in South Georgia. This beach has over 400,000 King penguins, one of the world’s largest colonies. Our landing was in the afternoon in the middle of a snow storm.
Walking along the beach we came to a stream and these two King penguins were walking towards us and stopped by a bone and spent a lot of time looking at the bone, standing on the bone to make it move until finally walking past it right to where we were standing.
The image has been cropped to A4 dimensions and has had some work to remove some of the penguins on the far beach that may have confused the eye.
This is the link to our adventures that afternoon on South Georgia.