11. Alex Cullen – Christchurch Gardens – Tiny
Using my small size A-Z was at times no help at all. This book was probably the reason we went into a loop looking for Elizabeth Street in Victoria. We changed our tactics and used the “Eateries“ section on the map to look for restaurants that were marked nearby a corgi. These were then a great guide for Google Maps to direct us.

12. Dominika Karc – St. Ermin’s Hotel -Sherry
After our experience of looking for Muick at the Taj, we boldly went up the driveway of the St Ermin’s to find Sherry on the hotel’s veranda.
And here’s the driveway.
13. Aga Skiba – Conrad London St. James – Whisky
We were on a roll now and went straight into the hotel’s lobby after first admiring the cars waiting to be valet parked.
14. Rowana Mallett – QEII Centre Green – Jane
The Queen Elizabeth II Centre was cordoned off. This meant we could not get close to take proper images.
While we clambered up the retaining wall we were told by a nearby family, who were following the scavenger hunt in the reverse order, that the Charing Cross corgi was out of bounds as the station was closed because of the rail strike.
We crossed over the road to Westminster Abbey to the very busy food stall. There we joined the tourist melee and came away with large hot dogs for make-do lunch. Just like everyone else we were totally unsure where to stand to pick-up our food.
The hot dogs were surprisingly good!
All the scaffolding had gone and the Elizabeth Tower looked splendid.
We then turned left before Westminster Bridge and walked past New Scotland Yard along the Embankment.