6. Tsuruda-Behan – Cathedral Piazza – Susan
The Piazza had skate boarders who were oblivious to the rest of us!
7. Hannah Sykes – Cardinal Place – Willow
This is where we should have stopped for lunch and a sit down!
8. Lisa Todd – St. James’ Court, a TAJ Hotel – Muick
This corgi was photographed out of order as we had thought the Buckingham Green corgi was Muick and had headed off to find Fergus at the Guards’ Museum.
We should have taken the map’s address literally and explored the hotel or its grounds.
To see Muick we went through the archway that lead to the rear of the hotel. Muick sat in the middle of the patio close to a fountain.
We were surrounded by buildings as we looked at Muick.
The hotel had its own sculptures in the archway.
We had criss-crossed the area looking for the “missing” corgi but find other these images.

9. Alice Greenacre – The Guards Museum – Fergus
To get to the Guards’ Museum we had to brave the crowds around Buckingham Palace. Luckily Birdcage Walk was closed to traffic and was relatively empty of crowds. The museum was however, quite a way down the road.

Google Maps was keen for us to walk through the museum grounds to get to Buckingham Green but everywhere was closed. Instead we had to walk back to the Palace and turn back down Buckingham Gate.
10. Jurga Amehome – Buckingham Green – Carol
This was the corgi that we had thought was Muick at the Taj and we had moved on to the Guards’ Museum.
It was only when we tried to find the other corgi around in the area and found Tiny instead that we realised our mistake.
Luckily, we chatted to two ladies, who like us were on the trail too, and we were told to go to the courtyard of the Taj Hotel and there we would find Muick!
Carol was nearby to this old school building down thevstreet from the Taj. Buckingham Green was past the building.