LinkedIn has now limited access to Followers of a company page to only Admins
LinkedIn Is Now Counting Your Public Profile Views
Your public profile from LinkedIn is one of the most important pages for you on the Internet. Now LinkedIn is counting the number of times that your public profile has viewed.
The ‘Who can send you invitations’ Option in LinkedIn
Why do you sometimes have to provide an email address to connect to a 2nd level contact in LinkedIn?
Social Media Marketing Presentation For BNI Camberley in July 2014
A short presentation on using social media for small businesses. This was presented at BNI Camberley in July 2014. Special emphasis was placed on the owner’s LinkedIn Public profile and use of Twitter
Social Media Marketing Presentation in Farnham in July 2014
A short presentation on using social media for small businesses. This was presented at Farnham Independent Networking in July 2014. In the presentation special emphasis was placed on the LinkedIn Public profiles and the marketing use of Twitter
Social Media Training at Duxford, near Cambridge, March 2014
Three back-to-back social media training sessions in Duxford, near Cambridge, covered Twitter, LinkedIn and lastly Facebook in March 2014
LinkedIn Social Media Training at Heathrow in September 2013
I like visiting the Jury’s Inn at Heathrow for our LinkedIn seminars with UK4Business especially as not only is parking so easy but I do get to watch planes flying over my head. The reception was packed with tourists but as always the conference management was quick and efficient.
Social Media Training in Birmingham November 2012
After Chester we moved onto Birmingham for LinkedIn and Twitter for Business training. The venue was next to Birmingham’s celebration of Tony Hancock.