This year the Heywood (Open) and Spectrum (Set Subject – Creative) competitions were held at Farnborough Camera Club.
There were 38 images in the Heywood and 40 images in the Spectrum competitions.
My entry for the Heywood Open Competition: Into the light
Summary of judge’s comments
…I see what you have there, waited for someone in just the right spot
.. I think we have the whole of his shadow and quite nice sort of rim lighting there gives us a bit of a clue to the outline
… the problem is there is too much going on behind to really appreciate this as you would have liked
… I will pass on that one
From my workshop with Ovi
My entry for the Spectrum Architecture Competition: One London Bridge
Summary of judge’s comments
… One London Bridge, if you have stood there remember to look up, this is another one where you have got to really get the symmetry spot on
… it also helps if you have a suitable sky and that is well done
…we’ll look at this one again
In the roundup “One London Bridge” was awarded Highly Commended.
From before my second workshop with Ovi had started
The background to the inter-club competition
These two DI competitions are held each year with the aim of promoting a spirit of friendly rivalry with other local clubs. The clubs that participate in addition to Farnborough Camera Club are Yateley Camera Club and Aldershot, Farnham & Fleet Camera Club (AFFCC).
The Heywood Trophy is an open subject competition and the Spectrum Trophy is a themed competition with the theme rotating every year.
The club that hosts the competitions rotates annually between the three clubs.