On Wednesday 23rd February I gave a 1.5 hours training session on Social Media for BNI Basingstoke Phoenix.
- Social Media Training at BNI Basingstoke
These are the topics that were covered:
Blog (or keeping your website interesting)
Not Just Text
The 6 Essentials
What else is out there?
An earlier visit had confirmed that the internet connection was not 100% reliable so I had to fall back to using PowerPoint slides. A quick poll of the attendees had thrown up specific topics to be covered ranging from tools for smartphones, linking all the platforms together all the way through to the use of YouTube.
The presentation had three videos pre-loaded but I cut all but one as time very quickly went covering all the questions and for a group that had been up from 5 am they were a great audience and kept me on my toes with lots of questions.
I did keep one video in the presentation to allow everyone to have a few minutes respite and to relax. The video also acted as a reminder to me that I shouldn’t assume that everyone in the audience were at the same level with the technology. Everyone enjoyed it so much so here it is again:
Speaking aloud about Social Media does bring home the problem of explaining some of the terms especially as they have perfectly good well understood meanings in everyday life. My tactic here was to remind everyone that this word had now a Social Media ‘meaning’ and the majority of the audience were able to see the humour in it all.
My feedback on the whole was very positive with only a few attendees not bothering to fill in feedback forms (this is a common problem I understand with asking for feedback). I am not sure which format would work best as some attendees were unhappy with the constant questioning from the audience to others who that that was the best part. Covering the four major platforms with a lot of time spent on Twitter and Facebook had the expected feedback that LinkedIn was neglected and the Twitteri wanted a 100% on Twitter and not much else.
“Very good and well presented”
“Gained much; if only I can remember how to use it back at the office”
“Excellent session: confirmed many things about which I was not sure”
“Very well presented”
“V useful!”
“Probably needs to be a 2 hour seminar”
“Enjoyed it”
I would like to thank the Leadership Team at BNI Basingstoke Phoenix for giving me the opportunity to present to their members and for allowing me to attend as a visitor to their Chapter so I could see how other BNI Chapters work.
Check out their website as they are a very successful BNI Chapter with lots of great people.
They meet every Wednesday morning at 645 am at the Basingstoke Golf Club.