This image was from the RPS sponsored workshop lead by Jon Gray – Art figure painting with light.
Looking through the shutters
Judge’s comments
A nice studio shot looking through a venetian blind, always quite an impressive shot, rather a film noir type of shot and it is rather nicely doneIt is one where you may say this could work in mono as well as it works in colour and I think that would be an interesting experiment to look at this on in colour and then look at it in mono and just see if there is a strength in either one or the other
I am enjoying this one. I like what you have done
The line of the blind which runs through her far eye is a bit of a shame as it gives this band across her face, it would be slightly better if you could see both her eyes quite clearly. So yes, I think that that detracts slightly so maybe you could have got her to lift her head a little just so that her eyes were clearer, I think that that would have worked better for me put it that way.
But nevertheless, I am really enjoying this shot, I think it works well, the keylines are a tad heavy, a pixel less on it but other than that it works well
The score
There were 18 images in this projected digital image round in Division 1.
‘Looking through the shutters’ scored 9.
The original image
The image was shot at ISO100, 73mm f/9.0 at 1/100 sec.
I cropped the image to move Irina’s eyes into the top quarter of the image. the light was very bright on parts of her face and back – I used the adjustment brush in Lightroom. Plus increased blacks and shadows. In PhotoShop I cloned out some of her stray hairs that were reflected the light.