We walked back through the field with the pens being used to raise water voles and walked past the visitor centre to the otter’s pen. Our instructions were very clear do not point at the otters if they were near as they might think this was food. In summary do not get bitten as this would mean and emergency visit to to A&E as their bite would poison us.
The otters were to be fed with us in their pen. I stood opposite as they leapt into the water – perhaps a better place would have been to the side.
These were shot at 1/2000, ISO 640, f4.75 with my 100-400 lens at 263mm.
Just in front of my position was a small island and the otters would carry their food onto there to eat.
Once feeding was over we watched the two otters searching the bottom of the pond picking up bits of fish that they had missed. Then it was time for us to leave.
Pine Martin
Back over the road we were split up into our groups of three again. Now it was our turn to see the Pine Martin. We entered a large pen and took up our position against the back fence.
Once she was full she stopped coming out to pick up food and that was that! We walked back to watch the others with the Pole Cat.
Long Eared Owl
Before we crossed the road back to the Visitor Centre we gathered around to take photographs of a Long Eared Owl.
Looking up and down the road from Frankaborough Cottages.
Here is the Centre, close to the road, and where we parked nose-in by the entrance.