Golf . . .
We all met up at 3 pm to take part in a golf challenge between the seven of us. It was a lot harder than it looked and I wish that I’d had a sneaky practice like some of my travelling companions.
After the golf we watch the climbing wall again as other passengers scaled to ring the bell before pushing off and descending using the safety gear.

To one side of the climbing wall I noticed yet another area cordoned off that was for the use of only Diamond club members. Yet another part of the ship where we could not go.
Formal evening
The evening was another formal evening and we all met in the lounge of the casino for our pre-dinner drinks. Our new table was almost in the middle of the Atrium of the restaurant. Behind it were three large tables, two oval and one round.
Now we all had room to move on the larger table. Our new servers were both from Goa in India and seemed happy to be looking after us. They quickly sorted out a round of drinks before we had even ordered our meals.
I started with scallops, then chicken Tikka Masala and for desert I had Key Lime pie which was delicious. A surprise was the gathering of all the servers on the stairs of the restaurant.

Back in our cabin we had a reminder that the ship’s clocks were changing and our ‘departure tickets’ from the ship when we were in St Petersburg.