Leaving Copenhagen
After the security gates we watched a sniffer dog checking at the piles of luggage waiting to be taken onto the ship.
Once on board we went to the buffet for a snack before relaxing on our balcony reading our books. The Captain spoke to the ship at about 5.30 pm but again we couldn’t hear a word properly on either the balcony or in our room. Then we left Copenhagen
Helsingborg, Sweden
To get to the Great Belt Explorer had to re-trace her passage and go out through the narrow straight between Copenhagen’s island and Sweden. Our balcony was on the starboard side so we had great views of Sweden and of Helsingborg.
WEe passed yachts and a power boat that came out to see Explorer.
The beach past the town hall was empty except for one couple.
The port was as busy as always with ferries crossing over to Helsingor in Denmark.
One last look at the Karnan Tower.

We visited Helsingborg back in May 2018,. Here’s a blog about our experiences onshore.
Our evening
Schooners was our bar of choice to meet our friends before dinner. We were early enough to be able to get seats for the seven of us. Our table booking had been lost but we were able to get a table in the dining room. I had deep-fried cheddar, BBQ ribs followed by rice pudding. The starter and the desert were easily the best part of the meal.
Through the dining room windows I grabbed these images of a warship and other cruise ships making their way past.
I asked when we were going under the Great Belt Bridge and the headwaiter came back to update me. It seems the ship would not be going under ‘the bridge’ as the bridge was not high enough. I realised that the bridge officers thought that the enquiry was about the Oresund Bridge rather than the Great Belt Bridge.
After we have finished our meal we went up to the Royal Promenade and had a look for somewhere to sit to have a drink. Unfortunately there were no seats so we just went to bed. Our steward had left us a hanging monkey.