The set subject PDI competition was run using WebEx and just like last season, images from the club’s partner club in Germany were included in the competition. The season the set subject was ‘Landscapes’.
Dorset beach owned by the Army
On the evening that we were planning to take images of the Milky Way in a secluded cove in the Army’s practice area, a few of the tour decided to go to the cove via some great views (and steep hills.)
Judge’s comments
… I presume that this around the Lulworth Cove area, nice shapes, nice composition and I think it is an evening light because it is quite warm
… it seems to have a bit of a green cast, everything seems to be green apart from the sea, which is almost toned down and the beach and I can’t understand where that green cast has come from
… slightly lacking in detail in the areas that are important to the image -the important areas are probably the beach itself , the cliffs just behind the beach and that far rock
… there is nothing that stands out in the image that draws our eye
… again about selective processing, chose the parts of your image that which are the nicest and bring them out more, on the beach here the cliffs and that far rock they need bringing out a little bit, defining a little bit more to make them pop, to draw our eye to them
… again a good image there’s a lot on the left hand side that isn’t doing much , the interest is all on the right hand side so maybe some tight cropping and get rid of some of areas that aren’t of great intertest would help
Yes it is DeGaulle sleeping
On Cape Cornwall I looked out at the The Brisons and had to agree that they did kind of look like President DeGaulle sleeping.
Judge’s comments
… I did work it out that [island] kinda looks like him, so an interesting title
… nice key line, nice crop getting rid of all the boring bits but what is the interesting part?
… =apart for the [island] the only other interest is these people on the left hand or standing out
… we have the backs of the people which is isn’t so great , they are quite prominent
… the title is do with the rock which is in the distance , which is quite dark, we can see the shape but it is not taking up a large part of the image and it is not that interesting
… the most interesting and what draws the eye once you notice it is the rock in foreground it is the brightest object , so we’ve left this rock in that the people are sitting on but it is the brightest part of the image and therefore draws you eye so you end up looking at the backs of these two people which isn’t that interesting
… possibly of the people were interacting and talking or pointing then it might add a bit more but the backs of two people and a big bright rock taking up a large part of of the image and that is the interest
.. it doesn’t quite work , if as a photographer you are trying to put across an idea be careful of what is most prominent in the image when you title it because this image is about these two people rather than the [island]
The original images
‘Dorset beach owned by the Army’:
ISO 100 f/8.0 1/60 sec and 30 mm focal length
Link to A day on the Dorset workshop TBA
‘Yes it is DeGaulle sleeping’:
ISO 100, f/8, 1/500 sec and 35mm focal length