Friday 17th January 2020: Second day in Paris
The bar was very noisy overnight. Probably made worse as I had my windows opened despite the cold as my room stunk of cigarette smoke.
This van was street cleaning with pressure hose and decided me that it was time for breakfast.

I rode the lift down to the basement and once in there picked up muesli and a yogurt. From a small kitchen the lady looking after breakfasts emerged and I order a tea. A few minutes later she appeared with a tray loaded with juice, bread, a croissant, butter, jam etc. I boiled a couple of eggs and ate everything but for the croissant. Behind me was a spiral staircase up to reception but I stayed lazy and used the lift back up to the second floor.
Out on the streets
I walked down to the Boulevard Saint-Michel and walked towards Notre Dame. Looking up and at last found more street art!
Notre Dame Cathedral
I walked across the Pont Saint-Michel and followed the bank of the river towards the cathedral.
I walked to the right and then followed the narrow street alongside the cathedral. Alongside the barrier between the street and the cathedral was covered in photographs and text describing how the fire was extinguished, the rescue of the art work and the ongoing restoration work. All fascinating.
As I passed the memorial for the deported Parisians in WW2 there were these collections of padlocks.
My first Invaderswashere?
Over the Pontde l’Archeveche my first Clet at the end of Rue Des Bernardins.
Further down the Quai de la Tornelle.
Along the Quai were the wooden boxes that were the second hand book stalls. This one was decorated unlike the rest.
I crossed to have a look at the walls of the English language bookshop.
Back over the Pont Saint Michel I walked down Rue Danton for an alternative way back to the hotel – this is definitely from Invaderswashere.
Further along Rue Dalton.
This bike looked the worse for wear!
Around the Pantheon
Some more decorated street furniture.
Looking up above the hotels.
Back at the hotel I had a closer look at the three wise monkeys.
Quick break
Back at the hotel I picked up another layer of clothes and used the stairs as the lift was unavailable – quite tight !
Then I headed off down to the McDonalds for a quick lunch.