On Saturday 1st October I went on my first Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk in Oxford 2016. This was the first time that I had walked around Oxford and I hoped that I would see some of the places from the TV series of Morse or Lewis. The walk in Oxford was organised by Brian Worley with help from Noel Hannan and Jonathan Thompson.

The day started with a very wet drive to the Park and Ride South of Oxford at Redbridge. After parking the car, you walk to the information centre, type your car number into the machine, pay £2 only with coins(!) and then take ticket back to your car.
The bus dropped me off on Cornmarket Street and by now it was lunchtime.
Before the Photowalk
Before I walked to the Radcliffe Camera I detoured into the Covered Market for lunch.
I had some time before the walk started and I walked around the the square watching everyone else take pictures.
The meeting point was the Radcliffe Camera and here we all are before the walk started.

The Oxford Photowalk
1. Starting from the Radcliffe Camera, leave Radcliffe Square via Catte Street,
then turn right and cross over High Street.
2. Turn right and proceed along High Street and take the left turn in to King
Alfred Street
3. Turn right by the Bear pub, Oxfords oldest pub and proceed along the narrow Blue Boar Street past Darn It & Stitch then turn left and walk down St Aldgate’s.

We took time out to look at some of the reflections in the puddles along the street.
4. You’ll see Cafe Loco on the other side of the road opposite the entrance to Christ Church War Memorial Garden. Walk through the garden to Christ Church Meadow
5. Go past Christ Church and the folks queuing to get in, then turn left at the edge of Merton Field. Merton college is the impressive building in front to the right

And past the playing fields and this wall plaque
6. At the end of Merton Walk, there is a narrow pedestrian gate, but turn right along Dead Mans Walk in front of Merton college