After our first two calm days of our Atlantic crossing on Sky Princess, the winds and occasional hail and even fog came to join us! There was a medical emergency and Sky Princess had to speed up and arrive earlier in Southampton.
Day 23: Sunday 16th October 2022: The Atlantic
We had a much calmer night as the swells and winds had eased.

After the time change, we again allowed ourselves time to sleep for longer. Breakfast was in the quieter part of the buffet this morning. Today we were earlier and food was still being served in this area.

Our walk on Deck 18 walk was interrupted by rain and then hailstones.
Inside we sat in the Five lounge at the back. The venue had an art quiz led by the manager of the gallery. The questions were from her series of lectures earlier in the voyage.
Unlike on P&O I had avoided the art lectures and this meant a low score in the quiz. A decision for the future was that I would attend on Princess Cruises these lectures but we still continue to avoid the art auctions.
Another walk and then lunch
The noon update from the staff captain warned of upcoming three metre swells and for everyone to take care walking around the ship.

We did catch a rainbow though.
The next rainbow was very close to the side of the ship.
Our lunch did not help what remained of our dieting as we went to Alfredos for pizzas again.
Infra-red images from Sky Princess
On my afternoon walk around the ship I experimented with my infra-red camera. I was rewarded with these images and a rainbow.

My Medallion failed when I tried to get back into our cabin. A quick visit to Reception and there I learnt that the battery had needed replacing.

And to the side of the ship our coming weather…
We waited until later to go to the Vista Lounge and then onto the midships restaurant on Deck 5 for dinner. It was a lively table with lots of conversations, so we were ‘delayed’ before we went out into the Piazza.
There we caught the end of a special performance of members of the ship’s entertainment team plus various bands on the ship. The staging from the performance was left mainly in place for Ocean Boulevard’s sets for the rest of the evening.
And I tried a change of IPA.