The already revised plan for the day was to visit Lindisfarne after a later start. Photographing the house martins was re-scheduled for the evening rather than early morning. However, the morning brought a whole different set of issues for the tour. Someone in the hotel’s kitchen had tested positive for COVID-19 overnight. This meant that all service had to stop until quarantine periods were completed. Breakfast was a continental buffet plus cereal. This change probably helped our diets after all the wonderful breakfasts we had had on the earlier days! Regrettably the hotel also had to stop serving both lunches and dinners.
This delivery truck was backing up below our window in the morning – just one of the many that disturbed our sleep at the hotel.
Lindisfarne – 1st July 2021
Day 5: Depart hotel at 6am for house martin photography (chicks in nest and adults in flight). Return to hotel for breakfast at 9am. Depart hotel at 10.30am for Lindisfarne (to coincide with tidal crossing time). Photography of Lindisfarne castle, harbour and orchids. Return to hotel for evening meal at 7.30pm. Evening review of group’s images and how to process them.
At the causeway we paused to take pictures and to wait for the tide.
Holy Island Harbour
Inland from the harbour was a row of cottages. From there we could see the priory across a meadow.
Lindisfarne Priory
From the cottages we walked across the meadow and stopped alongside the path where all the poppies were.
While we were taking images of the Lindisfarne Priory three members of Farnborough Camera Club walked past the group. Robert very kindly took a group picture with the castle framed behind us.

The views of the priory with the poppies was clearly very popular as the grass in the meadow was by now well trampled.
We continued walking across the meadow and then past the Crown and Anchor and through the lanes until we came to the road that led to the castle.