This was the fourth round the PDI Trophy Competition at Farnborough Camera Club in the 2021-22 season and this was an open round with two images.
Enjoying the Mach Loop
On our last half day in Wales we went to Cad West. The morning was not great for jets but I did capture this Texan banking right in front of me.
Summary of judge’s comments
Well taken, an iconic event and just captures it very effectively , we can see the detail inside the cockpit , the aircraft has room to move, you have done exactly what is needed to be done
Forgotten boats
On our way home after our workshop in Suffolk we stopped at Pin Mills and found the (photographically) famous abandoned boats.
Summary of judge’s comments
This photograph has a bit more quality than the images of boats in the other section, a little bit strongerAll our attention is on the boats themselves […]
You have chosen a depth of field that is pretty sharp from front to back, and I am sure that you chose that because you wanted all of the boats to be sharp which you have achieved
But this does mean that the far bank is also quite sharp and probably didn’t need to be quite so sharp
If you look at the top left hand corner there is what looks like a radio aerial is just lost at the top , I am nit-picking and what I would suggest you do is just clone out that bit at the top, nobody knows how long that aerial was and then everybody thinks you managed to include all of it! Because it is a bright bit and on a strong diagonal my eyes are drawn up to it – just knock it out
The boats themselves are terrific, I love the detail, I love the textures
The scores
There were 34 images in this round in the Advanced Division.
‘Forgotten boats’ scored 8.5 and ‘Enjoying the Mach Loop’ scored 9.
The original images
‘Forgotten boats’:
ISO 100 56 mm f/8and 1/20 sec
‘Enjoying the Mach Loop’:
In order to give the Texan some ‘room’ I i=used Photoshop to generate extra hillside in front of the plane.
ISO 100, 500 mm f/8 and 1/400 sec