This was the fourth round and last of the PDI Trophy Competition at Farnborough Camera Club. This was an open round and two images were permitted.
Time for a break
As we walked back for Whitby Abbey steps I noticed this gentleman taking a break and having a smoke on the steps of the market.
Judge’s comments
We start with a good piece of candid street photography. The striking element of this for me is just at the point at which you have captured the smoke being exhaled – just out of his mouth, hasn’t dispersed very far and it is just beautifully doneNot a subject I’d be quite frank that appeals to me a great deal but I think that it is a good piece of street photography
My inclination might have been to just done something with that white bag just by where he is seated, to take it out but other than that I think well seen and well done
Behind the screen
Irina, the model, posed behind a muslin-like screen and I was directing her into various poses – this is one of my favourites from that shoot.
This image was entered into an earlier competition at the club. The textures in the image were not strong enough but the judge did recommend entering into an open competition.
Judge’s comments
A different idea which is to be commended, it is a simple idea in respects isn’t it, but I am sure that it could have had many pitfalls , not least managing that light source behind the body to create the shadows,But also just to make sure that the form that we see through the glass , or Perspex screen or whatever it it is, is giving us sufficient information. I think that the photographer has done well there particularly on the head of the lady there where yo can actually see the form of the lips, nose and the eye socket going around
An interesting pose , is it a pose that will live long in the memory not particularly
I think that it is interestingly considered and well executed,
The scores
There were 36 images in this round in the Advanced Division.
‘Taking a break’ scored 8.5 and ‘Behind the screen’ scored 8.
The original images
‘Taking a break’:
ISO 320 105mm F4.0 1/125 sec
Converted to B&W in Lightroom and adjustments made to the contrast and texture before using the adjustment brush to darken the two white bags and the background.
‘Behind the screen’:
After cropping the image I used Photoshop to remove the line on the left hand side of the screen. Then in Lightroom I reduced the glare of the light around Irina’s head and increased the black to further emphasize her silhouette.