Yesterday we visited familiar places and enjoyed a fabulous meal in a busy Italian restaurant. Our plan today was to visit parts of Prague that we hadn’t been to before.
Day 3: Wednesday 7th December
After another wonderful breakfast, we walked through to Old Town Square and then up Parizska past all the exclusive shops.
Old Jewish Cemetery
We paid a fee to enter the side of the graveyard. First we had to climb stairs into the old synagogue.
Inside the building we looked at the memorial to the dead of the Holocaust. Their names were all listed on panels of the walls all around us. We just stood and looked at the walls for what seemed and age.
The Graveyard
Back down on the ground we walked around the graveyard as we followed the roped path. All around were high walls and we realised that these were the ones that we had been walking around to get to the entrance. In every direction, the graveyard was overlooked by apartment buildings, and one corner the apartment building was the boundary of the graveyard. The ground floor windows even overlooking straight into the graveyard.
At one of the corners I waited for a party people to pass so that I could perhaps get an image of one of the graves. There I met another photographer and after getting a shot we chatted. He and his wife were exploring Prague, just like us and they showed us some of the places that they had visited including the Dancing Houses.
The Meeting Hall
After walking round the graveyard we went into another preserved building whose walls were covered with drawings and paintings when this would have been in the centre of a once thriving community.
Shops on Parizska
On the way back to the Old Town Square, we did some more window shopping. The Louis Vuitton store were using lots of Lego for their Christmas window dressings.
We walked through the square and headed back to the Charles Bridge. At the crossing we turned left and went through the tunnel and then followed the river. At the next bridge we turned left and followed Narodny looking for the shopping centre.