Afternoon and early evening in Prague
After our experiences in the markets where not a lot of the stalls accepted credit cards, our first job in the afternoon, was to visit the currency exchange in the department store to get some more cash. A large area in the store had an array of mannequins dressed using what looked like recycled materials.
From the store, we retraced our steps past the hotel and turned right past all the parked cars and chaotic traffic on to Rybna (street). Then left onto Jakubska walked past the bars and restaurants. Opposite we could see an archway and crowds outside the bar in the square. This was Tyn Square.

Another quick stop at an interesting shop in the corner of the square tempted us to buy glassware or small pieces of glass to make up into jewellery.
At the end of the square we passed another busy pub, crossed over the road and into an alley that ran alongside the church (Our Lady before Tyn. )
Down the alley we now could see the Old Town Square.
Old Town Square
Then we were in the square opposite the Christmas tree – definitely a new way of reaching the square without any crowds or traffic.
In the square I climbed the steps on the scaffold viewing platform.
It was 6:30 pm and below me everywhere was crowded.
After the square, we joined the crowds and walked to Charles Bridge, looking for somewhere to eat later.
The restaurant we passed were all busy, except for those with outside heated tents. The largest one on Karlova, next to the cathedral, was tempting until we spotted that the majority of customers were smoking inside the tent.