This is the first of four individual digital image competitions that replaced the Bracknell Club’s Print League. This is an open competition with up to two entries allowed.
Certificates will be awarded for 1st place (Gold), 2nd place (Silver), 3rd place (Bronze), two Highly Commended and two Commended.
Woodland walk 4
This image was from our few days in the New Forest in October 2020. We went to the Rinefield Ornamental Drive and after stopping a few times we drove through and then went for a much longer walk.
Judge’s comments
… invited you through this image and as you go through the image you come across a person I think in the woods down there just past that big tree right in the middle on the right hand sideSo it is kinda quite enticing to think ‘o yes you’ve taken this and put the person kind of almost out of the main part of the picture’ and maybe 1, 2 or 3 had them further into the centre
But it is quite intriguing for that fact that the person is not quite where you’d expect them to be
So I like the treatment that you have donehere the white line round the edge finishes the image off nicely
A good image to start the second half with
If only I could wear that again
We were exploring Whitby looking for somewhere to ‘safely’ have a drink when I spotted this lady and her dog window shopping outside a clothes shop. I took a set of images as I adjusted my position across the street from her.
Judge’s comments
Yes I think our days of wearing things like that are all past , even the lost socks don’t look like I could wear thoseAn interesting kind of image I’m sure that the photographer like me has spent a lot of time during lockdown out on their daily walk with their camera photographing all kinds of things
You really can’t beat a charity shop can you?, I’m assuming that it is indeed a charity shop, the one comment that I would have about this is coming back to vertical and the whole thing just looks like as if it is falling over to the left which is a bit of a shame. I think if you just brought it around a little bit it would all look a bit more comfortable , she doesn’t look comfortable because she is almost falling a bit backwards. I think it just needs straightening up a little bit.
I love the dog kinda looking in through the open door, I love what looks like a 60s model with that wonderful hair in the window and obviously she has got a mask on like us she is doing the right thing
so some interesting things within this image but sadly not a winner tonight
The original images
‘Woodland walk 4’:
This image received a lot of changes in Lightroom after converting to B&W including adjustments to white clipping, clarity, contrast, highlight, exposure, clarity and colour shifting. Interestingly now I look at the History I seem to have missed off vignetting!
‘If only I could wear that again’:
The image below adjusts the verticals and cuts off more of the shop window on the left.
This image didn’t make it into my blog for that day in Whitby but here are the other images.