The last round of the competition had a set subject. This year it was to submit a triptych. I took three images from the Hollywood Lighting workshop, converted them to black and white and then placed them within a ’35mm film roll’.
Which one to chose
Judge’s comments
I like the fact that you have put this up as a set of (we can’t say) negatives because we have a set of transparencies, on negative film; and OK we done a little bit of jiggery pokery by rounding the corners on each imageWe get the message, whether you took down a background of the web to get the sprocket holes, it doesn’t really matter
I like the lighting in this, we had an other set of a girl which I enjoyed the lighting and this is much harsher lighting and it has been controlled pretty well in the main. Perhaps the central image has a little bit of highlight on her left cheek but that is just nit picking
It is the actual overall tonality where we have got some deep blacks within it and the actual skin tones have been handled pretty well and each one has its own emotion coming through from the more dynamic in the centre to the more demure right and the laid back one on the left hand side
I enjoyed this as a set of portrait photographs and I enjoyed the fact that you tried to do something different with it
Again from my point of view it is not quite there because of one or two lighting technicalities but that only drops you half a mark
The score
There were 17 images in this projected digital round in Division 1.
‘Which one to chose’ scored 9.5.
The original images
More images from the workshop can be found here: