Day 5: Wednesday 22nd February 2023: Bergen then at sea
After the Captain’s announcement the day before we were still in Bergen when we awoke. This had meant we had a great night’s sleep with none of the ship’s movements from early nights.
Rather than go ashore again. We had a relaxed breakfast in the Grill on Deck 12. The heavy rain that was falling was also a strong motivator to stay on board the ship in the morning!

At 11:30 the Captain announced the revised itinerary that hopefully took into account the weather conditions. The plan now was
- 23rd Alesund
- 24th Trondheim
- 25th at sea
- 26th Alta.
The Askoy Bridge
After the ship had left the dock I went out on deck to watch as we passed under the Askoy Bridge. This experience was similar to our arrival in New York under the Verranzzo Narrows Bridge as I was getting soaked again.
The observation deck was busy with every gap in the glass barriers occupied. Instead I stood at the back of the deck and had some shelter from the walls there.

We passed the houses near the bridge on the port side.
LaterĀ in the grill we shared a table and had a long chat with the Scots couple. I never realised just how competitive bowls was. Competing sounded difficult enough but when hearing about judging and organising events such as the Scottish national championships, this was a whole different level!

After lunch we attended a photography talk on how to take pictures of the Northern Lights.
Not using flash photography was mentioned. Hopefully everyone who didn’t attend would know this!
In the Britannia lounge, the classical Lirica Piano Quartet were giving a concert. This was entitled ‘Stage and screen’. Unusual for us to listen to but it was well worth it.
Slightly irritating were the loud conversations from one of the other ships presenters talking to fellow presenters behind us. After the concert, we went back to the cabin and watched yet another movie. The ship was moving around because of the rough seasĀ and we decided this was a more relaxing place to be! Lying down was much more comfortable than trying to walk around the ship.
We were again in the Grand dining room for dinner. On our table, we chatted with a lady who had lived in Delaware and knew all the places around where we used to live in Pennsylvania – it is a small world after all.
After dinner we skipped the shows in the Playhouse and the Britannia Lounge. From our balcony we could see another cruise ship also going North.
Our next port was our re-scheduled visit to Alesund.