I have already posted some of the images from this photo walk around Westminster Bridge back in December 2016. This was a Virgin Experience delivered by Red Cloud Photography Days and lasted for three hours.
My evening in London started at Waterloo Station.
Close to Christmas the concourse was very busy and after a quick bite to eat in Pret a manager I caught the Tube to Westminster. The meeting point was under the Elizabeth Tower at 7 pm and prior to then I went up Whitewall to Downing Street, to Parliament Square and then along the Embankment.

As I walked back down Whitehall I noticed the Afternoon Tea London Bus.
This Google map shows the position of each of the five stops on this photo walk around the bridge.
Stop 1 – Elizabethan Tower
Immediately opposite Westminster Underground station is the Elizabethan Tower with Big Ben. We were lucky that the restoration work had yet to start so the tower was not covered in scaffolding. The pavement was still very busy with commuters and tourists so a group setting up tripods just under the tower did cause a few issues with passersby.
We were given suggested settings for this first pitch
ISO 100, f/16 and 15 seconds exposure

I moved to slightly different position and adjusted settings as I didn’t want Big Ben to be blown.

While I waited to move closer to the tower I switched to the queuing traffic.

Then I finally had an image that I was happy with of the tower and Big Ben.

After a little work in Lightroom and cropping I had my image of the tower and Big Ben.