The Boatyard
After I left the coach I walked over the bridge and under the Independent Arch. I then walked along the road towards Carlisle Bay and the Boatyard resort.
I paid the entrance fee I went looking for Linda out on the beach after I had picked up my complimentary beer on the way through.
The Boatyard had expanded since our last visit. Their area of beach now was on the other side of the pier.
In the morning the Azura’s Headliners had lined up for their pre-season photograph at the Boatyard. This is Linda’s image of them along the shore.
The sea and the beach were welcoming after being on my photography tour all morning.
We enjoyed our lunch of chicken strips covered in coconut.
Once the drinks music started I went up to the packed bar to have shots poured into my mouth.
Overhead there was a continuous stream of planes heading for the airport. We were joined by my Facebook group friends who left is a couple of bottles of beer. Her’s my image under the Boatyard’s pier.
After a few more times in the water we decided that it was time to face the inevitable and leave to go back to the ship to start packing.
The Boatyard provides a free taxi ride back to the cruise terminal. We had a short wait for the next minibus. The traffic as usual was very busy through the town as we went around and passed the Careenage.