In this competition I received a Highly Commended for my mono image of a London Underground train

I am a member of a couple of camera clubs and these blogs document my entries in their internal competitions.
My 2021 New Year's resolution was to enter images in International Salons and in this section I report on my progress in these competitions.
1st International circuit PHOTO PATH 2023
The 1st International Circuit Photo Path 2023 consisted of 3 salons in three countries and overall I received 15 acceptances and two salon diplomas
Polar Bear Circuit 2023
This was a single country circuit organised by three camera clubs in Chile, Columbia and Bangladesh
2nd Photoscope International Salon 2023
In the 2nd Photoscope International Salon 2023 I received one acceptance in the Nature section.
The Second Round of the PDI Trophy Competition in 2023-2024
This was the second round of the PDI Trophy Competition at Farnborough Camera Club in the 2023-2024 season. One image had to be abstract and the second open
Spectrum and Heywood Trophies October 2023
This year I achieved a Highly Commended for my creative image of people on the Pont des Arts in Paris in January.
The First Round of the Print Trophy Competition in 2023-2024
The first round of Print Trophy Competition was a bit of a scoring disaster…
The First Round of the PDI Trophy Competition in 2023-2024
This was the first round of the PDI Trophy Competition at Farnborough Camera Club in the 2022-2023 season on the 21st September.
Clive Harrison Trophy in the 2022-2023 season
For the Clive Harrison Trophy I chose ICM images taken on Karl Johans Gata in Oslo This trophy is an annual competition for a thematic panel of between three and eight prints. The images should all share a common theme, tell a story or complement each other in some way when viewed together. My statement […]
The fourth round of the PDI League 2022-23
This was the fourth and last round of the Digital Image League at Bracknell Camera Club in the 2022-23 season held on April 24th.
30th March 2023 – Annual PDI Competition
Just one of my images was judged in this competition
Basingstoke CC 2023 National Photographic Exhibition – British Photographic Exhibition (BPE)
In the Basingstoke CC 2023 National Photographic Exhibition I had four acceptances