The first week of the internal league competition was an open subject digital image.

I am a member of a couple of camera clubs and these blogs document my entries in their internal competitions.
My 2021 New Year's resolution was to enter images in International Salons and in this section I report on my progress in these competitions.
Summary of first year at a camera club
I started the season in September 2015 in the Novice Class at the camera club and finished second in the Photographer of the Year Internal Competition for Novices.
Exhibition June 2016
In the club exhibition in June 2016 I had some of my entries for the league competitions displayed as well as my prize winning entries for the exhibition itself.
The best of the best May 2016
This final session of the internal leagues was all the images that had achieved the top scores in both the print and projected digital image rounds and was to choose ‘The best of the best’. All the images were judged together with no distinction between the three levels of entrants. The judge picked his favourites […]
Final print and digital image competitions of 2015-2016 season
These are my entries for the final rounds of both the print and projected digital image league competitions. Easily my best reults so far, as both images were given a 10 by the visiting judge.
My print entries for April 2016
These are my two entries for the internal league at camera club in April 2016. The print competition was open for subjects and I decided to use one image taken years ago with my first digital camera and another taken in the Caribbean last year.
All you need is love – printed images
This week’s competition was a themed print competition inviting members to submit images that matched ‘All you need is love’ and was the first time received a 10/10 for an image from a judge.
My digital entries for February 2016
These are my two entries for the internal league at camera club in February 2016. The digital image league competition was open for subjects and I decided to use images that I had taken the week before.
My print entries for January 2016
These are my two entries for the internal league at camera club in January 2015. The print competition was open for subjects and as per the last digital image competition I raided prints that I had made earlier.
Something New – projected digital images
This week’s projected image competition was on a theme of “Something New” at Bracknell Camera Club. I have to admit that as it was the Christmas holidays I cheated and went back through old images. The bird was taken in 2009 on top of ivy on the fence and the extreme water sports was off […]
Clive Harrison Trophy December 2015
The Clive Harrison Trophy at Bracknell Camera Club is for panels of between three and eight mounted images that have a common theme and can be accompanied by a script of up to fifty words. The layout of the pictures within the panel also had to be specified with a maximum of three rows allowed. This was […]
My Digital Entries for November 2015
While we were away at the Mach loop two of my digital pictures were being judged at Bracknell Camera club.