Mayfield Lavender in Surrey offers lots of scope to capture images of lavender relatively close to where we live.
Photo Blog
The Red Arrows and the Patrouille de France
To celebrate the 80th anniversary of of the wartime speech given by General Charles de Gaulle the Red Arrows and the Patrouille de France flew over both Paris and London.
Poppies in Hampshire – June 2020
Thanks to Simon, a member of Yately Camera Club, I learned of the whereabouts of a large field of poppies West of Basingstoke.
Art figure painting with light workshop – February 2020
This was my third RPS workshop with Jon Gray and was was titled ‘Art Figure Painting with Light’. The model for the day was Irida.
Paris Weekend Workshop with Valérie Jardin January 2020: First two days
London Bridge – November 2019
Our last stop of the day was on London Bridge