I use a PC, use a Logitech Squeezebox receivers and want to use Apple devices for my music and media playback – these are my 3 outstanding issues
LinkedIn and Facebook Seminars in Birmingham May 2013
Our training seminars in Birmingham were at a new venue, the Holiday Inn Express. The two seminars were arranged by UK4Business.
More Software Updates with Unwanted Downloads
Following from my earlier post on software updates trying to get the unwary to download extra software, I came across the following when updating Java yet again on my PC. Given all the bad publicity about Java and its security issues I was surprised that the unwanted downloads are still there.
Software Updates and the ‘Hidden’ Downloads
We all know that it is important to keep our software updated. It has become an almost daily stream (or so it seems) of automated requests asking us to update a piece of software. Sometimes we have read about how urgent these patches are (for example the recent spate of updates to Java).
The Ultimate Complete Final Social Media Sizing Cheat Sheet
Reproduced from Lunametrics here is a sizing chart for all the graphics across the major social media platforms. I use it all the time and it is to their credit that they make the HTML available for embedding the chart on other websites.
Avoiding Malware Emails Pretending to be From LinkedIn
Are you getting lots of emails pretending to be from LinkedIn? These are unsubtle attempts to get the unwary to click on any of the links in the email to institute some form of attack on your system or a phishing attempt to try and get logon details.
Updated website
Updated website with latest WordPress theme, new graphics and has a new URL at IanHardacre.com
My TripAdvisor Reviews
I have been ‘blogging’ on TripAdvisor, adding my reviews to places we have eaten and places we have stayed. We have found TripAdvisor to be a great source of information when choosing hotels for our road trips in the USA so a little bit of ‘giving back’ has been in order.
The Google+ Local Pop-up in San Francisco in March 2013
The Google+ Local pop-up was in the Westfield Centre on Market at lunchtime on Thursday. Along with a table with Chromebooks were some comfortable chairs and two tables with goodies on.
Linking Your Personal Profile on LinkedIn to a Company Profile
Earlier in the week I was asked about how to make sure your personal profile is linked to a particular company entry for a role. Issues can arise when there are multiple companies with the same name or the company page was added or amended after you put your personal profile together.
Social Media Revolution 2013
The social media revolution in 2013
Social Media Training in Birmingham November 2012
After Chester we moved onto Birmingham for LinkedIn and Twitter for Business training. The venue was next to Birmingham’s celebration of Tony Hancock.