Polo at The Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst on Heritage Day in June 2014
The Social Media Bureau Training Team
Ian Hardacre and Julie Leadbeater develop and deliver social media training courses for The Social Media Bureau. The training is delivered in association with UK4Business
Greater Spotted Woodpecker in Crowthorne May 2014
Greater Spotted Woodpecker in Crowthorne May 2014
Spitfire over Crowthorne on April 30th 2014
This is a picture of a Spitfire that was circling over the North of Crowthorne on 30th April 2014
Socialnomics in 2014
Social media in 2014, watch the video from Erik Qualman
Installation of a Nest Learning Thermostat in April 2014
Fitting a Nest Learning Thermometer in the UK in April 2014
Twitter Training in London In March 2014
Twitter Training in London In March 2014 given in conjunction with UK4Business
Presentation at The Gestalt Centre, London, in March 2014
A one hour presentation on social media given at The Gestalt Centre in March 2014 that covered particular topics of concerned raised by members of the audience.
Dolphins on Approach to Lisbon March 2014
Dolphins early morning outside Lisbon March 2014
Social Media Training at Duxford, near Cambridge, March 2014
Three back-to-back social media training sessions in Duxford, near Cambridge, covered Twitter, LinkedIn and lastly Facebook in March 2014
Christopher’s Smile Children’s Cancer Charity
The survival rates for many children with cancer have not improved in over 50 years and often those who survive their disease are left with a legacy of side effects due to treatments. Christopher’s Smile is funding vital research to improve treatment.
How paranoid are you about your competitors knowing who your clients are?
(Update) LinkedIn have updated Company pages to remove this problem (February 2015)