Help is on its way to test your if your website is mobile friendly. This is important, not only because consumers are now using their phones and tablets to access the Internet but because Google will be ranking pages on sites for being mobile friendly.
Local and Loved Awards 2015
These are our two awards from the Local and Loved Awards 2015 via TheBestof. One is a UK wide award in the PR and Media category and the other is as a local business
Good news about LinkedIn Company Pages
LinkedIn has now limited access to Followers of a company page to only Admins
Santarem River Journey
In February 2015 we sailed from Barbados to Santarem via a handful of Caribbean islands on P&O’s Adonia. After a day and a night we had sailed up the Amazon from the Atlantic passing by Macapa and Port Santana to Santarem. At Santarem we took a local boat for a river cruise to visit another of the Amazon’s tributaries, the Rio Iququi.
View of P&O Adonia at Kingstown St Vincent in February 2015
View of P&O Adonia at Kingstown St Vincent in February 2015
My Favourite Gadgets – CamCaddy2
My cameras all have different batteries and rather than having to carry 2 or even 3 different Canon battery chargers, the CamCaddy2 will charge all of my camera batteries from a USB cable
Photo Log of cruise from Barbados to Santarem (on the Amazon) and back again
This is a photo log of our cruise from Barbados to Santarem in Brazil and back again on P&O Adonia. We called at Martinique, St Lucia, Grenada, Tobago Trinidad and St Vincent on the way there and back. We also passed Port Santana, Macapa and Devils Island French Guyana.
Pico – making time lapse simple
Pico will enable me to easily take time lapse photographs using my Canon DSLR. This is the third Kickstarter project that I have backed.
My Tower Poppy
Today I received my Tower Poppy. The packaging for the poppy was marvellous. Here is a simple gallery that shows the poppy and its packaging.
Jessy J at the Pizza Express Jazz Club London December 2014
Jessy J played for three nights at the Pizza Express Jazz Club on Dean Street, London. Smooth jazz coupled with Latin beat and samba rhythm . . .
Sunset Over The Atlantic From P&O Azura in December
Here’s a picture of one of the sunsets after P&O Azura had left the Azores for Barbados in December
The Evolution of Social Media 2004-2014 [Infographic]
This useful Infographic tracks a decade of social media