After my photo shoot at Wattisham Airfield I called at Wivenhoe Park, near Colchester, to visit the campus of the University of Essex.
Wattisham Airfield, Suffolk: February 2018
The fourth digital image competition for the 2017-2018 season
This was the fourth round of the projected digital image competition and was my first entry in the competitions of an image that had been converted to mono.
Third printed image competition for the 2017-2018 season – In your dreams
The third round of the internal print competition was the set subject of ‘In your dreams’
Models, Birds and Training February 1st 2018
Tallinn Old Town from the Hellemann Tower
Looking towards Toompea and Alexander Nevski Orthodox Cathedral from the Hellemann Tower above Muurivahe.
The third digital image competition for the 2017-2018 season – Bling
This was the third round of the projected digital image competition with a theme of ‘Bling’
Weekend in Tallinn: Day 4 Tallinn and back to Heathrow
Weekend in Tallinn: Day 3 Tallinn and the Town Walls
Weekend in Tallinn: Day 2 Toompea, Tallinn
Weekend in Tallinn: Day 1 Heathrow to Tallinn
Clive Harrison Trophy 2017
My entry for the 2017 Clive Harrison Trophy