For the second round of the Print Trophy I had to submit one open and one mono image
Visit to Silent Pool Distillery: October 6th 2023
We went to the Silent Pool Distillery for a tour and learnt about the history of gin in England and about how the distillery started and we sampled their gins!
Indian Digital Tour 2023
In the 2023 Indian Digital Tour I had three acceptances
Monday 10th October 2022: Saint John, Brunswick
This was our second visit to Saint John and we decided to treat it as a rest day after our hectic days of back to back ports
Chomolungma International Salon – 2023
In the CHOMOLUNGMA International Salon of 2023 I had one acceptance
Sunday 9th October 2022: Bar Harbor, Maine
Bar Harbor was the next port after Boston. We had heard so many good things about Bar Harbor that this was one of the ports that we were really looking forward to visiting
Set Subject PDI competition 2023-24
In this competition I received a Highly Commended for my mono image of a London Underground train
Model photo shoot at Weston Turville Village Hall
Alicia was the model at this photo shoot organised in Weston Turville
1st International circuit PHOTO PATH 2023
The 1st International Circuit Photo Path 2023 consisted of 3 salons in three countries and overall I received 15 acceptances and two salon diplomas
Saturday 8th October 2022: Boston, Massachusetts
After New York we had a busy day in Boston
Polar Bear Circuit 2023
This was a single country circuit organised by three camera clubs in Chile, Columbia and Bangladesh
Canary Wharf Winter Lights – Saturday 21st January 2023
The Winter Lights at Canary Wharf were excellent and I was able to practise using my iPhone to capture them