This was our first visit to Warners’ Sinah Warren hotel as Beverley Knight was in concert there on the Saturday evening. The hotel is at the Western side of Hayling Island.
Beverley Knight
The concert was on Saturday evening and was preceded by a solo performance from Kieran McCormack from the hotel’s entertainment staff.
We had booked for VIP seats and this gave us a reserved table. In our case this was right at front of the dance floor opposite the stage. We were concerned that once dancing started the table would not in the best place to see Beverley Knight . . . But as it turned out our seats were perfect!
No band this performance just DJ Munro providing the backing tracks for Beverley Knight.
Beverley Knight’s encores
Then we were all invited to dance and then we had the encores!
What a fabulous intimate performance from Beverley Knight – truly wonderful !
Sinah Warren Hotel
When we had booked our stay we were “encouraged” to stay in sea front room (described as a “quaint chalet room” on the website.) In our room we had neighbours on three sides and with paper thin walls any talking or showers etc could be heard perfectly. The “nearby” car parking did not have enough spaces for the chalets and instead we just parked in the main car park.
Getting out of the junction was not easy (thankfully I had to do this only once) as cars entering came through at speed and the junction was obscured by hedges – see above.
The carpet was filthy as everyone entering the chalet had to walk along the muddy road to get there.
Above the doorway in the corner was an interesting sign next to a large stain on the ceiling.
On the wall was an interesting selection of framed photos.
We turned right from the chalet’s road and then could see the main building just a short walk away. The swimming pool building to one side.
After moving the car we walked around the grounds of the hotel. Inside the main building we sat and had lunch. The bar area slowly filled as we ate.
At 1pm IÂ had to go and chose a table for our dining. Much to my surprise I was at least 2oth in the queue despite being 15 minutes before 1 pm.
One hour later, at 2 pm, the doors to the Pavilion Theatre were to open and then guests would be able to “choose” their tables. We may have booked a “VIP experience” but I sensed that getting there early was a good idea. I sadly queued for 30 minutes, to be able to book a VIP table on the front row. This extra option did at least give us two free drinks and a personal waiter service.
The trees alongside the driveway were lit up as we walked to the main building for our first evening. After dinner we went into the theatre and watched the house band, The Sailaways, perform.
The main act of the evening was a three man group, Unity.
After the main act The Sailaways came back on stage.
The night was punctuated by lots of noise from our “connected” chalets!
In the main building after breakfast there was a local craft stall and we had a note to say that there would be a craft fair on Sunday. At 11 am we were back in Reception waiting to join a walk to a “nearby” pub – The Inn on the Beach. We joined a group of guests and turned left from the hotel grounds following the road. In places we had to be in single file as the road had no pavements.
We passed the concrete remains of a World War 2 anti-aircraft battery that had helped to protect the Naval dockyard in Portsmouth. From the private road of the golf club we struck off left into the thickets of bushes and followed a public path to the beach. Once out of the bushes we passed a public golf “pitch and putt” until we could see the pub.
The car park was a full of humps and hollows with puddles. On the ground floor of the pub was a closed restaurant with chairs and tables piled up. This was probably only open in the Summer. From the patio we went up steps to the upstairs bar and restaurant. This was already quite full before all our group arrived. We took a table just inside the glass sided restaurant with great views of the beach and the sea.
The pub’s patio overlooked the beach and we watched sailboarders and “powered” boards being launched from the beach below.
These are the views from the patio – up and down the beach.
After our lunch we made our way back to Sinah Warren. We read books in the chalet and I kept missing a Spitfire that flew over several times in the afternoon. I did catch fleeting glances but not long enough to get a picture – very frustrating.

For our evening meal candy floss was on my dessert and then we were in the theatre in anticipation of Beverley Knight’s performance.
After another disturbed night we went for breakfast. The theatre had now the promised craft fair and we both bought Christmas gifts there!
At 11 am we again joined a group of guests for a walk to another pub at this side of the island. Because of all the rain earlier in the week we had to stay on the road. To get to this pub, the Ferry Boat Inn, we had to turn right from the hotel.
The walk was along the road wasn’t too bad until we came to roadworks. The barriers made no allowance for pedestrian and I must admit to be uncomfortable as cars and vans came past uncomfortably close at speed. They were trying to get through the long road roadworks before lights changed. We passed lots of interesting buildings and boats but had no time to stop as we were trying to keep up with the group.

The pub was on the corner of a large car park and we were there too early for it to be open. Our guide from the hotel explained to us that the gap between the island and the mainland may look narrow BUT it was dangerous to swim. This was because of the very strong currents in the gap.

We walked to the side of the car park and sat outside the small cafe and enjoyed a welcome ice-cream.

When the pub opened we checked the menu and decided that having a Sunday Roast would be a meal too far! Instead we had a drink sitting outside on the large patio before making our way back to Sinah Warren. Now we had time to stop and take in the views as we walked back along the road.
On the side nearest the sea there were WW2 pillboxes.
This is the houseboat that is pictured on the wall of our chalet.
On the wall of the first house was this graffitti.
As we walked back through the roadworks we passed an abandoned building and on the boarded up windows we could see this faded art.
Lunch for us was back in the bar area of Sinah Warren followed by games of magnetic chess.
After dinner we watched Sinah Warren’s performers. First the three ladies gave an excellent performance called “Queens of the Dance Floor” , then we had The Sailaways and finally the whole theatre group sang songs from “Showtime Musicals”
Street Art on the way off the island on Monday
Rather than follow the satnav taking us through the streets of West Town we had simply turned left and stayed on Ferry Road. When the road became Sea Front we passed a closed down pub, the Royal Shades. There we stopped to see this street art from Unify Artist (on Instagram @unifyartist)
And further down on another abandoned building.