Day 3 St Peter Prt, Guernsey Sunday May 15th
We left the ship early on the second tender just after 8 am.
My plan to eat breakfast again at Dix Neuf in the Commercial Arcade had to be abandoned as the restaurant didn’t open on a Sunday until 6 pm. Things were looking bleak as despite Guernsey recently allowing shops to open on a Sunday there were very few places open at that time in the morning.
We walked back along the High Street to Le Poulet and came across Cafe Emilia which opened at 9 am. This bistro served an excellent English Breakfast – so much so that lunch was not needed.
After breakfast I took the opportunity to climb the Constitution Steps to get a better view of the town and of the surrounding area.
I walked a little way along the road at the top and then walked a little way down the Arcade Steps to get an restricted vow of St. Peter Port and Aurora at anchor.
Leading to the Arcade steps I came across a line of ‘abandoned cars’, some in a far worse condition than others.
Now was time a quick drink of tea at a cafe on Le Poulet and watch people passing by.
We had been told that The Quay was closed and that there was an island charity event taking place to celebrate all the animals of the island.
When we had first arrived The Quay was empty but by now it was packed. After the noon gun fired at Castle Cornet alcohol could then be served on a Sunday. We sat outside The Crow’s Nest and again watched the world walk by while we had the two types of Liberation Ale on offer.
The Quay was now busier than ever with locals and visitors alike celebrating ‘Sea front Sunday’. There were competitions for the best dog in various classes so it seemed as if almost everyone had a dog or puppy of some breed or other.
After sampling some excellent local ice cream we left The Quay to catch a tender back to Aurora.
St Peter Port in the sunshine – much better than our last visit on Emerald Princess back in April.
At 18:30 we had a meet up with Facebook friends in the Crows Nest and then we all moved to the Uganda Room for pictures with the ship’s Captain.
Dinner was in the main dining room and was Chicken Caesar Salad, Chicken Maryland with BBQ sauce followed by a bilberry cheese cake with extra coconut ice cream!
I managed to grab a seat on the front row to watch the Flyrights’s second show in the theatre. Their show was a full on combination of excellent singing coupled with the most energetic dancing I’ve seen in a long time. See more of my images here from this concert.

We were visited just before midnight by the housekeeping night manager to find out about our cabin move in the morning. Then we could start packing our clothes. The good news was that the stewards would move all our clothes that were on hangars as is.
Unusually for P&O there was no cruise log or collection of cruise menus just our bill for the three days when we woke up in the morning.
Our next cruise on Aurora started the next morning and is described here.