Bathsheba and the Soup Bowl
The descent to the Atlantic at Bathsheba is steep.
At the Northern end of the beach is a stopping place that affords views North up the coast and South over the Soup Bowl. One lady was selling knick-knacks and she was determined to try to make sales to us all.
My missed opportunity was to buy something from her and then have permission to take her portrait. Instead I settled for these views North …
… and South down to the Soup Bowl.
Other tourists had by now arrived
I noticed someone paddling (NOT swimming) below us in the surf.
The Sea Side Bar, Bathsheba
We dropped down to the beach and passed Dina’s Bar (the usual stopping place for tours) and went onto the Sea Side Bar. This was an island rum shack. The Sea Side Bar was where we could sample Rum Punch made from the authentic recipe for just $2. Ronnie went behind the bar to help serve us with the punch.
My fellow photographers commented on how delicious this rum punch was. The punch they had been given on other tours had been sharp and stung when swallowed.
Ronnie set up a small display of brochures and books. I took the opportunity to have a look at the rum punch brochure.
Faded photographs of other visitors were on the wall of the bar. I recognised Mick Jagger on one of them before I moved off to enjoy the rest of my punch.