Leaving Deception Island
Our buffet lunch was interrupted as Fram carefully navigated her way out through Neptune’s Passage.
We were joined out on deck by the majority of the passengers all either videoing or taking pictures as we made our way through.
These were my last images of Deception Island as MS Fram started the journey through the Scotia Sea to South Georgia. The plan was get there on the afternoon of March 4th. Making this almost a three day and three night transit.

Start of our transit to South Georgia
Once back inside we went to a lecture on the Great Whales. As it turned out this was repeated the next day so we should have attended the lecture on water and ice. This lecture did have the following memorable quote, at the very beginning, we were told this was it ….
Good afternoon,
Ice is frozen water.
That’s it, end of lecture.
The sea was rough and again we had waves coming up to our cabin window. We were told that was from a Force 8 wind.
There was a lot of banging in the cabin that had disturbed us in the previous nights. After a serious investigation we realised it was my second bottle of Falklands beer sliding around in the ‘fridge. Time to drink it!
Despite the rough seas the sun was shining and out on deck I watched passing icebergs as well as watching the crazy pitching angles that the ship was making.
And we stayed further away from the even bigger ones.
Plus there were plenty of sea birds around for me to continue to improve my camera skills. . .
We were back to two dinner sittings and initially there was just the two of us for dinner at our table.
We were joined by passengers off other tables. I had changed my main course from catfish to turkey roll for dinner. We started with parma ham and melon and finished with delicious rhubarb tart. We eventually stayed well past closing time for the restaurant and were the last to leave.
The seas by this time at about 10:15 pm were even rougher than before and a good night’s sleep was perhaps too much to hope for.