On reflection
This was a much lower total than my first effort in Wales.
My original 5 entries had received 9 less votes in total than in Wales. This is one factor that I had not considered.
My replacement images receive less votes than the ones that they had replaced. I stuck to the perceived advice and tried to vary my images – only two (big) birds on sticks.
Just like the adjudication in Wales I was able to observe the images that received passing votes and equally as important the images that were favoured by the adjudicators. Here is my summary:
- A3 prints are definitely not a requirement
- avoid time lapse images, e.g. Grand Central station with blurred people did not do well
- majority of portraits scored 18 or less
- majority of landscapes scored less than 18
- avoid street photography
- there is definitely no requirement to have varied images demonstrated by the repeating of birds on sticks, cyclists or scramble motor bikes
- images of small birds scored higher than images of large birds (even when images were shot on the same log!)
- images of insects especially butterflies received high scores
- avoid birds in flight as did not always score well