Three of us from Farnborough Camera Club joined David Rutter for a workshop in London starting in Kings Cross on Saturday the 22nd February 2025.

We had an early start at Farnborough station to give us time to get across London to Kings Cross via Oxford Circus.
Kings Cross
Today we were asked to used shutter speed to set exposure and leave the camera to look after aperture and ISO.
Silhouettes on the walkway above Kings Cross.
The queue for photographs at “Platform 9 1/2” filled the Disney queue space and even was across at the entrance from the plaza. The Harry Potter books have put Kings Cross on the tourist radar!
The view of the walkway from the other side near the passenger gates.
We left the station and crossed over the plaza and once down in the passages we were at the lighted walkway.
Then back up to the station and down the street to St Pancras.
St Pancras
British Library
We then walked up to the British Library.
Inside the library.
We did some attention from security concerned about our “professional” cameras with “big” lenses.
On the Underground
After our walk to Warren Street we went down into the Underground for the next part of the workshop.

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