At the start of September we booked to use Tom Way’s Fox Photography Hides. Due to COVID-19 we were not sure if the session could go ahead. On the farm, near to Langley, there are two hides so there were no issues about social distancing.
After a quick briefing about haw the afternoon and evening would be organised we settled down to wait.
Afternoon from 15.30 onwards

The first to arrive were a large group of magpies – definitely a parliament. They pulled up the food left by Tom and scattered it around the holes. This meant then that the circling red kites could come and join in.

Evening from 17.45 onwards
Tom came and refilled the food lures.
Lots more magpies and when they scattered lots of red kites swooped down.

In the trees opposite sat this buzzard watching the activity below.

It was now getting dark.