The salon was organised by Club Paris Val-de-Blevre. Images from 34 countries were entered across all the sections. In total 3,496 images were submitted.
Judging took place between 11th to 13th October 2024. It was carried out by
- Carmen LEARDINI, AFIAP, HonFLPA, Luxembourg,
- Fernand BRAUN, AFIAP, HonFLPA, Luxembourg,
- Régis RAMPNOUX, MPSA, EFIAP, France.
The three judges rated each image between 0 and 9. The final score of each image was between 0 and 27 points.
I entered images into the Open Colour, Open Monochrome and the Backlighting sections.
Open theme (PID Mono – Monochrome Only)
966 photos received, 281 accepted (29,1%)
Down the stairs
Backlighting (PID Mono – Monochrome Only)
619 photos received, 158 accepted (25,5%)
Two through the tunnel
Into the light
Open theme (PID Color – Color only)
1060 photos received, 265 accepted (25,0%)
Not the Knight Bus
One London Bridge